The Classroom Astronomer Issue 15, December 16, 2021

Sky Lesson–New Year’s Ecliptic Pachinko; Smartphone Simulations; Students as Teachers, Scientists;Massive Resource Collections; Drawing for Learning; TCA goes to 30 issues!; Last Chance Holidays Sale

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  • Cover Photo – Smartphone Universes
  • Welcome to Issue 15! 
  • Sky Lessons  – Ecliptic Pachinko
  • Astronomical Teachniques – 
    Smartphone Astronomy Simulations
    The Inverse Square Smartphone
    ASP Notes—What Kids Think Are Scientific Activities; Learn by Teaching
  • Connection to the Sky –
    Massively Resourceful Collections
    All the Moon’s Motions
  • The RAP Sheet – Research Abstracts for Practitioners – 
    Why and how teachers make use of drawing activities in early childhood science education
    – Deciding on drawing: the topic matters when using drawing as a science learning strategy